Tuesday, 7 January 2014


With the Christmas decorations packed away on Sunday evening, a day yesterday spent cleaning and the boys back to school and nursery today, everything seems back to normal.

Almost every mum I've met at the school gate has said they've had a quiet, relaxed Christmas and I thought.....so have we! This year we (that really should, be 'I') have been more organised than ever before giving us more time. We've afforded to enjoy days out between Christmas and New Year which has never happened before! Yes, January and probably most of February will still be tight, but it's worth it for the Christmas break we've had.

I love school holidays and how we do what we want! The days roll into one but not at great speed. We just amble along, waking when we wake, going to bed when tired. We eat when we're hungry. It's sheer bliss for someone like me! I love being organised, but I'm a bit of a free spirit and feel tied down by routine. 

Back to school means set bed times, set alarms, regimented, well practiced routines just to get out of the door on time. I've to clock watch until collecting one of the boys. Today I missed my slot and ended up having to take a taxi! Damn my new diary and trying to be organised writing everyone's birthdays in!! 

Now I'll wait for Jake to finish school, prepare tea while listening to his days events. I love him nattering to me about what he's been up to. My Grandad, when he stayed with us, always used ask about my day and what I'd learnt. When I'd stop he'd say "go on" and I'd have to elaborate. It's probably why I chat so much and can only now understand why he used to enjoy listening to me.

Hearing what a child has learnt, possibly for the first time, their achievements and accomplishments in just one day, is like opening a time capsule. When Jake talks to me, it takes me right back to my own school days and remember how it felt. I remember how special I felt having somebody interested in me and have the time to listen. I hope that I make Jake feel equally special. 

Today I'm back to baking and hopefully will record my first video tutorial! I haven't a clue how I'm going to do this with only two pairs of hands and an iPhone as a video recorder!! I may have to make some kind of prop/tripod contraption....or just wait until I can collar a friend :) 

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